Letterboxing & Pillarboxing

Letterboxing occurs when the width is too large for the 16:9 aspect ratio; pillarboxing occurs when the height is too large. It is important to calculate the correct dimensions for your player to avoid any black bars.


  • Black bars appear above and below your stream (letterboxing): HDOnTap Letterboxing
  • Black bars appear on the sides of your stream (pillarboxing): HDOnTap Pillarboxing
You must have your Portal login. Contact your Customer Administrator or HDOnTap Support if you need assistance with your Portal credentials.


1. Use the HDOnTap Player Sizing Tool to calculate the correct. 2. Change the width and height parameters (highlighted) in your code as necessary: <iframe width=””640” height=”360” src=”” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen> 3. Save your changes and refresh your website. You should no longer see any letterboxing or pillarboxing.
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